I'm willing to hear how it goes for you guys.. I'm thinking in terms of "number of jobs" and not in amount of money earned.
Here are my approximate personal percentages (take in consideration that I'm more a "week-end musician"
than a true professional):
1) Bars/Clubs/Lounge: 10%
2) Nursing Home: 0%
3) Medium Size (dinner-dancing; 50-80 people): 25%
4) Big Wedding/Corporate parties (100-300 people): 65%
Type 2 gigs just don't have a market around here (Portugal). In the rather low populated area where I live, there is also an extremely limited market for bar/club/lounge live gigs.
Another question: did you, professional friends, feel the difficult economic times we are presently living? I'm asking this because this summer (the time when the professional portuguese musicians get most of their jobs) seemed to be extremely hard for the pros... Recession is a really around here.
-- José.